Our young people are a vital part of our ministry at Grace and a critical force for the future! At the outset of His teen years, Jesus, according to Luke 2:52, “increased in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and man” (mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially). Our goal for youth ministry at Grace is to model this pattern in every facet.
Pastor Jake, along with a team of dedicated parents, leads the Teen Ministry at Grace. We endeavor to provide loving care, direction, doctrinal teaching, fellowship options, serving opportunities, and fun outreach activities for our teens.
Teens meet in their own freshly redesigned youth room on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. for Sunday School, and on Sunday nights for Youth Group at 5:00 p.m.
Bible Study Hour
Following our Sunday morning worship service, our teens meet together for Bible Study Hour where we enjoy refreshments, social intereaction, and a practical challenge from the Bible by Pastor Jake Hilton. We would love to have you join us at 11:00 AM, every Sunday morning to fellowship with one another and to soak up God's truth that has been given to us in His word.
Sunday Night Youth Group
Sunday Night Youth Group is one of the many highlights of our youth ministry! Each Sunday night we begin with snacks and a chance to mix and mingle with other teens. Then we enjoy an opening time of games and other fun activities. We believe worship is very important, so our teens then enjoy a time of vibrant singing praises to our great God. Each week Pastor Jake preaches an engaging, practical message from God's Word followed by a time to discuss together the practical application of the message and questions the teens have before ending with a time of prayer.
Numerous times throughout the year, our teens enjoy super fun and exciting activities which allow them to grow together as a group and to reach out to new teens. Examples of activities we've done recently include escape rooms, hikes, lasertag, bowling, Skyzone, Boondocks, and so much more!
Parents and the Hiltons also sponsor fellowships in their homes called G.R.O.W. - Gathering, Renewing, Observing, and Worshiping. This acronym encapsulates the essence of our youth ministry:
- Gathering: Emphasizes the coming together of youth for Christian fellowship.
- Renewing: Signifies the spiritual renewal and growth that can occur.
- Observing: Encourages a focus on learning and observing biblical teaching.
- Worshiping: Represents the emphasis on worship and adoration of God in every area of our lives.
We also believe teaching teens to serve others is a vital priority, so our teens regularly have opportunities to serve other people in the church as well as the people of the Parker community. Examples of service activities we've done recently include sharing the gospel at our Parker Days booth, serving at the Denver Rescue Mission, helping the elderly with physically demanding needs such as yard work, sharing the gospel with children in Good News Clubs, and short-term mission trips.
Summer camps and teen retreats are also a regular part of the youth calendar.