Mission's Program :: Grace Baptist Church


General: World Evangelism

In keeping with our church mission statement, Grace Baptist Church supports 28 missionary families in 20 countries around the world and in the United States. Through a program called Grace Giving, Grace Baptist Church faithfully contributes funds to missionaries in support of world evangelism. This is accomplished by making missions a major focus at Grace Baptist Church.

Missions Philosophy

Grace Baptist Church’s mission philosophy from its beginning has been the same, to evangelize the world through the support of missionaries around the world and in the United States. This philosophy is based on the Great Commission recorded in numerous Scripture verses (Matthew 28:19 - 20, Mark 16: 15 - 20, Luke 24: 44 - 53, John 20: 21 - 23 and 30 - 31).

To fulfill the Great Commission, we believe we must go to the people of all nations in their country to explain clearly the gospel message that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe the way to fulfill the Great Commission is through a program of planting churches as described in the New Testament (Acts). The New Testament directs the missionary evangelist to plant a church at a location where there is no church, eventually turn the operation of the church over to local leadership so the missionary can go to another place, start a church and begin the process again.

Missionary Family
Missions Conferences

Missions_poster.jpgOur annual Spring Missions Conference is a highlight of the year for members of Grace Baptist Church. The conference allows our members to view the world through the eyes and experiences of these chosen men of God as they present their ministry to the church family. The conference also allows us to refocus our attention on the major command of the Bible - to evangelize the world. It is our privilege to meet these missionaries and their families, to get to know them on a personal basis, and to encourage them as they seek to follow God in this manner.

March 1-6, 20242024missionsconf.jpg

Previous Conference Themes:






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Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 9:30 am, Children's Sunday School @ 11 am, Sunday Adult Bible Study Hour @ 11 am, Sunday Evening Hispanic Service @ 5 pm, and Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting @ 6:30 pm

We were all once dead in our sins and estranged from our Creator God. The Gospel is the good news of reconciliation, the promise of hope, forgiveness and

Eternal Life in Christ.
The Gospel in detail Watch Video